
  1. Piyush Bhardwaj Martingale Pricing Basics for Traders. Unfinished Notes [pdf]

  2. Piyush Bhardwaj Option prices bounds and Probability Density Function. Unfinished Notes [pdf]

  3. P.Bhardwaj, H.Karnick. Efficient Low Rank Approximation via Alternating Least Squares for Scalable Kernel Learning. Accepted in ESANN 2016

  4. P.Bhardwaj, A.Panwar, O. Ozdemir, E. Masazade, I.Kasperovich, A. L. Drozd, C. K. Mohan and P. K. Varshney. Enhanced Dynamic Spectrum Access in Multiband Cognitive Radio Networks via Optimized Transmission Hyperspace. Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

  5. Piyush Bhardwaj, Bhaskar Dasgupta and Kalyanmoy Deb. Modelling the Pareto-optimal set using B-spline basis functions for continuous multi-objective optimization problems. In Engineering Optimization(2013) [pdf]

  6. P.Bhardwaj, A.Panwar, O. Ozdemir, E. Masazade, C. K. Mohan, P. K. Varshney, and A. L. Drozd. On optimization algorithms for the design of multiband cognitive radio networks. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton University, Mar. 2012. [pdf]

  7. Nikhil Padhye, Piyush Bhardwaj and Kalyanmoy Deb. Unified Approach In Evolutionary Computation For DE Enhancement. In Journal of Global Optimization.(April 2013, Volume 55, Issue 4, pp 771-799) [pdf]

  8. Nikhil Padhye, Piyush Bhardwaj and Kalyanmoy Deb. Improving Differential Evolution by Altering Steps in EC. In Proceedings of 8th conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning 2010, Springer LNCS. [pdf]

  9. Piyush Bhardwaj Understanding Word2Vec and Document2Vec. Unfinished Notes [pdf]

  10. Piyush Bhardwaj Stochastic Calculus Basics for Traders. Unfinished Notes [pdf]